An important tool for empowerment and self-governance.
We have earned a range of internationally recognised company and product certifications, reflecting our commitment to optimising processes and technologies, as well as our dedication to continuous improvement.
Company Certifications
Sustainability is our primary focus: our people, safety and the environment all shape our core values and commitments.
ISO 9001
Dal 2000 Laviosa è dotata di un Sistema di gestione per la Qualità secondo lo standard internazionalmente riconosciuto.
ISO 45001
The company’s strong Occupational Health and Safety has been recognised with the relevant certification.
ISO 14001
Our Environmental Management System certification provides a clear framework for reducing the environmental impact of our activities.
SA 8000
Our Environmental Management System certification provides a clear framework for reducing the environmental impact of our activities.
The company has implemented its certified Social Accountability Management System since 2006.
This certification recognises the company’s commitment to the following core principles in terms of social responsibility:
1. not to use or support the use of child labour;
2. not to encourage or support forced or compulsory labour;
3. to ensure a safe and healthy workplace;
4. to respect workers’ right to join trade union organisations;
5. not to discriminate in any way;
6. not to use or support disciplinary practices such as corporal punishment, physical or mental coercion, or verbal abuse;
7. to adapt working hours to national and local laws and agreements;
8. to remunerate employees in accordance with the national collective labour agreement and the company’s supplementary agreement, if applicable.
To encourage the sharing of these principles, the company undertakes to collaborate with its suppliers and partners to help them to adopt the same operational logic, in line with the spirit of the SA 8000 Standard, as summarised in the definition of “Social Responsibility”. Partners and suppliers are therefore invited to adhere to the letter of Adherence to the Requirements of the SA 8000 Standard provided below.
ISO 50001
This management system provides a framework for achieving our energy goals and reducing the depletion of energy resources, thereby helping to mitigate climate change and to improve the efficiency of our organisation’s operations.
This standard strengthens our social performance and ethical compliance, as well as the working conditions within our supply chain.
Zero-Waste Certification
Laviosa Turkey obtained Zero-Waste Management certification in 2021. This management system governs the control of waste within our plant, allowing us to reduce the amount sent to landfill and to implement reuse and recycling. This certification clearly reflects our commitment to reducing waste and promoting sustainability.
Product Certifications
We meet international standards in terms of hygiene and safety requirements to ensure the highest possible levels of quality, reliability and safety.
Special hygiene and safety requirements are therefore applied throughout the entire chain of feeds, additives and mixtures.
Since 2008, Laviosa has embraced the RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) system, which aims to reduce the environmental and social impacts of palm oil cultivation. This certification, which is renewed by way of annual audits, requires international proof of the use of sustainable palm oil and the active commitment of the entire supply chain to a standard of sustainability.
As of 2008, all our Geosynthetic Bentonite Barriers are CE marked in line with the current Harmonised European Geosynthetic Standards and European Construction Products Regulation 305/2011. For all our products, the CE marking specifically covers the use of bentonite barriers in the construction of hydraulic works, transport infrastructures, and liquid and solid waste disposal plants.
In 2011, our bentonite for the oenology sector obtained KOSHER certification for food and drink companies serving the national and international markets. Kosher certification means that the resulting products are fit for consumption and conform to Kosher dietary standards.
Laviosa has adopted the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System for the animal feed and oenology sectors. Based on the concept of prevention, the system assesses possible hazards that must be checked at each stage of the production process and in subsequent phases such as storage, transport, preservation and sale. In other words, the company monitors the entire chain, from food production to distribution.